
Simple Photo Organization

Steps to clean up all those boxes and photo albums in your home!

Some people love to organize photos and scrapbooks.

I am not one of those people.

I was consistent in making albums when the children were little, well, for the first two. But, by the time the third baby came, I was lucky to be wearing clean clothes each day, much less scrapbooking or organizing pictures. 

Through the years, albums and photos have been shoved in every corner of our home. If I needed a specific print for one of the kiddos school projects, it was near impossible to find which bin the photos were in. 

Well, friends, I am happy to report that I have found a solution that is inexpensive and beautiful. 

Here is precisely what I did!

  1. Pick a weekend that you really have time for this project. It is a big one.
  2. Order your photo boxes online (or use old shoe boxes) and purchase your small clear photo albums from the Dollar Store! I used about 30 albums.These are located in the frame section and have a paper cover that you can remove. They are GREAT, CHEAP, and EASY to organize!
  3. Take it all out! The bins, the photo boxes, the pictures behind pictures, the ones hiding in books and drawers. Get it out and get ready to walk down memory lane.
  4. Get rid of all duplicates (or give to someone who will love them.) Get rid of pictures you just don’t like, don’t look good in, or don’t want anyone to see (we all have a few of those, HA.)  
  5. Start piles of pictures according to general years or specific children. Don’t worry about getting these too organized; just keep groups of photos broad. 
  6. Recycle or donate albums that are still in okay condition. 
  7. If there are albums you love, keep them, and display them. I chose to keep my original wedding album, and I put everything else in a clear photo albums. However, I did have a baby book and my grandparents’ album that I kept in our storage. 

Moving forward, I have been printing and organizing photos once every few months. This seems to be a good way for me to stay on top of the photo inventory on my phone. I have also seen apps that print your photos directly from your phone into a book.

Just do what works for you!

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