parenting & homeschool

How to Face Criticism as a Mom

Okay, friends, this is a hard subject to talk about, I know. I remember when my kids were little, and I made individual choices about their education or their lifestyle that some may consider “out of the norm.” It was challenging to take all the criticism that came with those choices.

To give you an example, I have a son who, at a young age, had speech and sensory issues and complicated medical conditions. The path I chose for his healing, and ultimately his recovery was one less traveled. I received not only criticism from friends and doctors but my own family. And the examples are countless, from homeschooling the children to changing their diets, breastfeeding, and getting rid of toxins in our home; I have felt attacked from every angle at times. 

So, how DO you deal with that criticism as a momma who wants the best for her sweet babies? 

Here are my five tips! 

1.Chose who you share with! I know you’re excited about their new diet or their new routine you’ve come up with, but if it is going to bring you unnecessary stress, don’t say anything. 

I learned this the hard way! Just don’t give people ammunition to hurt and criticize you. 

2.Find your tribe! Find people and moms who think like you. If its homeschool, special diet, therapy group, breastfeeding, whatever, find your people! 

It feels great to be with like-minded friends who can support your choices as a parent and give you the confidence you need. 

3.Say goodbye to toxic people! I know this is hard, but so is being a momma, and if people are making you second guess yourself and continuously bringing you down, then be thankful for the time you had with them and release them to the world. 

4.Trust your motherly instinct! You know what’s best for your child and only you can have that gut feeling about the choices made for them. 

5.Help another parent who needs encouragement! You know how it feels to be doubted or feel like your second-guessing your parenting choices. Find a momma who needs a friend and have them over for a play date and give them what you’re not getting. 

That is it; You got this girl! You are ready to be the best parent for your little one regardless of any criticism from others. 

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